Gifts Come in All Shapes and Sizes

While financial gifts to Easterseals help us where we need it most, we do regularly need some specific items for our programs and for the individuals we serve. In-kind gifts from donors help us keep our expenses down and can make a wonderful difference to the people we serve.

This summer BBC Technology Solutions, a Microsoft registered refurbisher, saw a need for our summer youth programs and donated 30 laptops for our youth to use during the duration of the program. The refurbished laptops ensured that an ample of amount of computers with internet access were available to the youth for job training and completing applications, as well as word processing for cover letters and resumes.

“We are passionate about work we do, and are happy to work with local non-profits for the technology needs,” said Michael Sutter, BBC’s founder. “We understand that our at-risk youth need a helping hand in order to realize their full potential.”

Michael’s donation through BBC is just one of many examples of non-cash gifts that directly impact the lives of those we serve. As you consider year-end gifts, we also ask that you think outside of standard monetary donations. For example:

  • When you donate work boots in good condition, we can pass these along to a struggling but determined young man or woman who is enrolled in our YouthBuild program.

  • Your donation of Carhart winter work wear keeps our Building Value deconstruction crews warm as they gain work experience in the real, often cold, world.

  • Participants and staff in our Adult Day Services are thrilled by donations of quality art and craft supplies, which spark new ideas and inspire creative projects.

  • If you have a gift card you’re not likely to use, don’t let it go to waste – donate it to Easterseals TriState! Gift cards for gas, food, and clothing are most needed to help Veterans in our Operation Vets THRIVE program.

Not sure if we can use an item you’d like to donate? There are many types of items we cannot accept, so please contact the Development Department at 513-386-6811 or a program manager before gifting any unsolicited items.

You can also check our Amazon wish list. Items on our Amazon wish list can be shipped directly to us at Easterseals. Plus, when you shop using Amazon Smile, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your total purchase price to Easterseals!

Thank you!

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