The Time to Upgrade is Now

Since Microsoft stopped supporting the Windows 7 operating system consumers will no longer receive updates of any kind, including critical security patches, for the 10-year-old platform. This can potentially put computers at an increased risk for viruses and other forms of malware.

Let’s take a look between differences in windows 10 and windows 7.

The most significant difference between Windows 7 and Windows 10 is that Windows 10 is an attempt to synchronize the OS on all its products. This includes PCs, laptops, tablets, phones, as well as its Xbox. Whereas, Windows 7 is only supported on PCs and laptops.

Despite all the new features in Windows 10, Windows 7 still does have better app compatibility.

Windows 10 is now more than three years old. The operating system certainly isn’t perfect, but users and critics both mostly agree that it’s is the best operating system Microsoft has ever produced.

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