Many schools have faced budget crises in recent years. This means many students can fall behind their peers, especially when it comes to matters of technology. School officials may believe there are simply not enough funds to go into the IT budget, but the truth of the matter is that schools can still acquire first-class technology by purchasing refurbished equipment.
Refurbished Items Cost Far Less
Schools naturally need to be smart with their money, but many times, these institutions can acquire excellent computers at a fraction of the cost of buying them brand new. In many cases, a refurbished laptop will cost between 15 and 30 percent less than new counterparts. Additionally, since the school is paying less on technology, any extra funds can be diverted to other expenses.
They Are Often of the Same Quality
The great part is that schools can save on technology without compromising on quality. Refurbished products are inspected carefully. Every single component is examined, inspected and tested to ensure it works like new. There is a dangerous myth that “refurbished” and “used” mean the same thing. As long as you purchase the equipment from a trusted and established IT hardware provider, you can be confident the product will work the same as if it had just rolled off the shelf.
You Attain Greater Peace of Mind
One reason many school officials are hesitant to invest in expensive technology is because they worry the students may damage the piece. While that is always a possibility, you will feel a lot more at ease if you give students slightly more affordable tablets or laptops rather than the latest, most expensive piece of equipment on the marketplace. The most important thing to remember is to purchase items you believe are appropriate for the grade level.
You Do Your Part for the Environment
Refurbishing electronic equipment is a form of recycling, so by purchasing these materials, you are doing your part for the planet. Millions of tons of electrical waste end up in landfills every year. These materials typically contain lead, mercury, gold and other harmful substances that leak into the local environment. By buying something refurbished instead of new, you prevent one more piece of gear from entering a landfill.
You Enjoy the Same Warranties
Depending on who you purchase the equipment from, you can enjoy warranties on everything you buy for several years. While every component goes through an inspection, there will always be outliers. Fortunately, you will have less to worry about when you know you can get your equipment repaired free of charge or close to nothing.
You only have so much to put toward investing in technology, and you can still acquire fantastic products with the help of BBC Technology Solutions. We have a number of products available, including laptops, keyboards, mice, power supplies and sound stations. If you have any questions about the products or services we provide, then do not hesitate to give us a call at 513-617-4822. With our help, you can finally bring your school into the 21st century.